Just For Kids is a market leader in the kids ethnic haircare market. The product portfolio is safe and gentle and formulated specifically for the hair care needs of children when hair is at its most sensitive. The range protects and moisturises the most sensitive scalps so mothers can relax, wash and style their children’s hair with ease. Happy kids = Happy moms! Just For Kids portfolio includes :
• Just For Kids relaxer range , Which is safe and gentle for your littles ones scalp and hair ,Included in the pack is a Neutralising Shampoo which includes a Colour Indicator to neutralise the child’s hair to it’s perfect pH balance. Our relaxers are available in 3 different streanghts to cater for your little ones hair.
• Just For Kids Aftercare range, formulated specifically for the hair care needs of children ,with gentle, safe and effective ingredients, the range protects and moisturises the most sensitive scalps so mothers can wash and style their children’s hair .