Business Next


Member Engagement


of our members voiced their opinion to make Marico a future-ready workplace


Member engagement score through the year, 5 points above global benchmark


of our talent practices rated above global benchmark by our members


of our members are deeply connected with Marico purpose


of our members say that Marico provides great opportunities to learn and grow


of our members have strong sense of belongingness and connectedness with Marico


Of our members say that Marico takes care of their wellbeing

Inclusion & Diversity



of our members experience Marico as an inclusive workplace where diverse perspectives are valued


of our members experience Marico as a harassment and discrimination-free workplace

Gender, Differently abled, and thought Diversity


of our decision-making roles (Managers & Partners) have diverse talent


Gender diversity representation in decision-making roles (Managers & Partners) of our consumer facing functions (Marketing and Technology)


Increase in diverse talent representing our leadership positions (partners & CXOs)

Internal Talent Pipeline


of the current leadership team is home-grown talent

100+ promotion and

200+ internal role movements

Opportunities provided to members, in line with their aspirations

Talent Acquisition


of the current leadership team is home-grown talent

Member Recognition


Members recognised for their commitment to Marico through Long Service Awards

Member Volunteering

#MentorToEmpower program


Volunteering members


Hours volunteered

~2,000 students

Mentored on employability skills across 25 colleges of India

#MaricoGreenFootprints program


Trees planted for creation of Marico Forest through volunteering activities

#PledgeToCause program


and in-kind donations made by members, across locations, to causes close to their hearts via Give India, Goonj etc.

*Engagement scores are measured on favourability

Our People Philosophy

At Marico, in line with our People-first ethos, our members have always been ahead and above everything else. We believe membership is superior to employee-ship and hence consciously, all Mariconians are called ‘members’ and our culture is founded on our core beliefs of trust, transparency, care, inclusion, and teamwork.

Building a Future-ready workplace

Leveraging our learnings through the COVID pandemic and re-imagining Marico of future, we continue to focus on enabling growth in our new growth verticals and channels, invest in future-fit digital, leadership, and functional capabilities to prepare leaders of tomorrow, and attract new-age skills through our purpose-led employer brand.

Our talent, culture, and capability practices to deliver our unique talent and business promise over the next 3 years, are driven by ‘GROW’ umbrella - Grow the business, Refresh the culture, organise for future, Win with talent. We are committed towards continuing to drive strong business performance by building a Future-ready, Inclusive, and Happy workplace for all Mariconians.

Developing a future-ready talent pipeline

Marico has extensive online learning programmes not only to enable our people to upskill and reskill for their roles but also to help them prepare for the changing landscape of work and groom them into ‘leaders of tomorrow’

Digital Capability Journey

Our ambition is to ensure all our people can reskill, upskill, work more flexibly, and adapt to the changing world of work.

In the shift from "Doing Digital" to "Being Digital", we crafted a Digital Capability Journey for enhancing Digital Quotient of Members through;

Digital Enablement Journey Chrysalis was developed which comprised of the following -

Digital Awareness - To explore the deeper nature of the digital technologies and exponential trends, and to learn to execute in the digital world by;

  • A Digital readiness and awareness to check on the digital quotient
  • Delving into the concepts through a wealth of external resources
  • Understanding the impact of digital in business and ways of working and understanding how digital innovation impacts the business
  • Digital Enablement - Learning the techniques of critical thinking and the cognitive by Digital Marketing Courses by Sampliner

Digital Marketing Certificate Program by Wharton To further build on the advanced level skills of members in this domain, we created an advanced digital marketing journey in association with Wharton to develop the Digital DNA traits and capabilities identified as relevant in the digital journey. Designed by world renowned marketing professors at Wharton School, the journey focuses on key marketing skills most in demand today to enable members to upskill and be future ready in domains like omni-channel marketing, marketing analytics, social media strategy and analysis, and data-driven customercentric approaches to customer retention.

FutureSkills is an initiative by NASSCOM and leading IT & ITES companies is “A Skilling Ecosystem focused on Emerging Technologies” to upskill our Members in the Business Process Transformation and IT Domain in new age technologies and professional skills.
FutureSkills is powered by EdCast and is designed to:

  • Build familiarity with key tech topics
  • Keep up to date with the latest technology trends
  • Nurture curiosity and culture of continuous learning
  • Learn fundamental concepts and use of languages in sync with emerging tech
  • Build in-depth knowledge and skills through formal courses, assessments and labs

Nurturing our Growth Culture

As an organisation, we have embarked on the journey of setting up Marico 3.0 by establishing some of the critical pivots of organisation structure, talent and leadership, and ways of working, which will accelerate our future readiness and catapult our transition into the next phase of transformation and growth;

  • Reorganised the Sales Function into Sales 3.0. This will help us continue to win in markets by Winning in Many India’s by strengthening our Micro Market focus and execution, enhanced agility with on-ground decision making and leveraging technology and analytics.
  • To help build a healthy pipeline, we launched a Sales Development Program – Skill Up. The primary objective of Skill Up is to build functional depth, increase productivity and stability among sales Members. The journey is planned to build functional and leadership capabilities by defining standards on a competency scale, thorough assessments and building holistic learning solutions keeping in view current business challenges with help of internal and external facilitators, simulation workshops, mobile based learning etc.

Internal Talent Pipeline


of the current leadership team is home-grown talent

100+ promotion and

200+ internal role movements

opportunities provided to members, in line with their aspirations

Strengthening our Learning Culture

We have created bespoke interventions under BLINK and have individual development plans for our leaders with the right mix of immersions, on-the-job learning, and coaching. We continue to explore newer channels of learning with platforms like Udemy, getAbstract and Go1. We have seen a shift in consumption of learning which is now byte-sized modules consumed on the go.

Hiring Future-Ready Skills

To enable Marico’s accelerated growth journey, it is imperative to attract and retain top talent across diverse background, education, and experience.

Digital Hiring

Launched the next-gen, AI based recruitment platform to enable one-stop solution for hiring process.

Focused Hiring Programs

To ensure a diverse talent pipeline, we have further strengthened our efforts in this direction through multiple initiatives:

  • Identify and hire differently abled candidates through specialist recruitment partners
  • Identify and hire from diverse profile backgrounds of education, industry, overall experience, nationality, employment model

Diversifying Talent Sourcing

To ensure a diverse talent pipeline, we have further strengthened our efforts in this direction through multiple initiatives:

  • Alternate Hiring
    Leveraged job portals like Naukri, IIM jobs & social media platform like LinkedIn to reach out to prospective talent resulting in faster hiring closures and direct cost savings.
  • Talent Referred By Mariconians (TAREEF)
    Encourage our Members to refer professionals from their social network and get rewarded for every successful referral. 28% of vacancies at the mid -management level was filled through our referral program.


    of our managerial talent hiring is sourced internally through alternate channels and referrals

  • Homecoming
    Our strong alumni network acts as a potential source of talent pipeline for us. Through our re-hire policy, we have welcomed several ex-Mariconians back into the Marico family.
  • Graduate Leadership Program
    With a focus on incorporating thought diversity in our talent, we hire Graduate Trainees from top institutes like Shri Ram College of Commerce, Lady Shri Ram College for Women & Shaheed Sukhdev College for Business Studies. The trainees work on several crossfunctional projects enabling an all-round learning and development for them. This year, the 1st ever GLP batch has successfully completed their 18-month program and has been absorbed in different functions at managerial positions.
  • Campus talent
    We proudly rose by two positions to secure the 7th rank as the most desirable FMCG/Beverage Company in B-Schools in the Dare2Compete Award. This is a testimony to our robust campus programs which are among the strongest sources of upcoming young talent from premier B-Schools.
  • Robust campus programs


    Our flagship leadership program, IGNITE provides a holistic learning to the management trainees who undergo cross-functional stints under the close guidance of the leadership. The number of leaders at senior positions who joined us as IGNITE management trainees are a testimony to the success of our campus program and an inspiration for the new batches.

    Summer Training at Marico’s Pace (STAMP)

    The 2-month internship program for students from premier B-Schools provides them an opportunity to work on high-impact live projects under the guidance of the leadership. In efforts to make our program holistic, this year we went international and provided the interns opportunity to work on cross-geography projects to enable them to grow beyond.

    Over The Wall

    Our flagship case competition this year was bigger than ever and received an overwhelming response from over 18,000 students from 18 B-Schools. The competition, in line with our philosophy of nurturing and mentoring young talent, provides students an opportunity to share innovative business ideas and a chance to work on live projects. Through its comprehensive design and mentorship structure, OTW Season 9 was featured among the Top 20 Prestigious B-School Competitions by Student Community Platform- Dare2Compete.

    Looking ahead with New-age Policies and newer Ways of Working (WOW Culture Code of Marico)

    We embraced hybrid working during the pandemic and leveraged our key learnings through this shift to shape future of work where our members feel empowered, trusted, and connected.

    Outcome oriented goal management process (Management By Results - MBR)

    We strengthened our performance management process by aligning member goals to strategic business plan on next 3-4 years horizon and defined goals in terms of clear outcome and impact on business.

    Empowered leaders by redesigning talent processes/systems

    to bring in transparency and supervisor ownership in driving Engagement, Development, Performance for their respective teams through Glint, Blink, and MBR systems

    Reimagined flexible working with work-life integration policies

    • Location flexibility policy provides members flexibility to avail work-from-anywhere for an extended timeperiod
    • Life-stage flexibility policy provides members flexibility to avail sabbatical leave to balance their personal and professional commitment

    Catapulting Engine 2.0 with differentiated talent focus

    With a focus to build Business Units (BUs) as separate, agile, start-up organisation within Marico, we laid a strong foundation with the right business strategy, talent mix and core cultural pillars in last one year.

    Continuous enhancement of flexible working experience basis member feedback, global context, cultural tenets, and technology trends under these three key members needs to inspire and build trust irrespective of work location -

    • Connect
      Increased frequency and mediums of informal connect –Yammer, Fireside Chats with leaders, Happy Team Hours on Friday, and multiple recognition mechanisms
    • Communication
      Increased frequency and rigor in formal communication channels – senior leadership connect (Facetime and Org Communication), Functional connect (Townhall), HR connects, Team Huddle and Burst communications
  • Capability
    Upskilled supervisors on ‘Leading Remote Teams’ and stepping up to become ‘Coaches from Managers’, enhanced rigor on managing work-life integration and ‘ME time’ for focused work, enabled ‘back to office’ transition through Roster, Travel, Connectivity, and enhanced safety guidelines
  • The talent focus for new businesses in last one year has been on:

    • Building the right structure and new age capabilities like performance marketing, content specialist and e-commerce for Digital First Brands
    • Identifying and instilling key cultural tenets and behavioural attributes (Growth mindset, Risk Taking, Fail Fast, Independence, Cost Consciousness, Speed and Agility) which will enable BUs to succeed

    Building an Inclusive workplace

    Inclusion & Diversity has been a strong focus for Marico as we believe an environment that lets our employees bring their authentic selves to work can help build a workplace that is truly inclusive, respects diverse thought processes, encourages varied ideas and is able to make the right business decisions that create truly valuable outcomes for our consumers

    In the last few years, through leadership commitment and by aligning the larger ecosystem, we have made significant strides in building our I&D vision that has resulted in significant policy, process, and infrastructural changes. From making all our policies gender neutral to extending same sex partner benefits we have tried to ensure our employees feel valued and safeguarded irrespective of their diversities.

    Our I&D vision prioritises inclusion as we believe that no significant progress can be made in terms of diversity unless we have an environment where each of our employee feels a sense of belongingness. Over the last two years, we have led various proactive sensitisation efforts to create awareness around sexual harassment, discrimination, and workplace respect. Additionally, we have run sessions to generate awareness around Unconscious biases that can impact our work environments as well as hiring and retention of key talent. On a quarterly basis, we also look at our inclusion scores which primarily measure if the organisation values diverse perspectives and if our employees are experiencing a discrimination and harassment free work environment. Over, the last one year, on an average 81% of our employees feel included and our endeavour is to build on the same further

    Leadership Commitment demonstrated through Policy, Programs & Infrastructure Led Changes

    In alignment with our People-first philosophy, we continue to accelerate our efforts to bring-in further policy, programs, and infrastructural changes to build a more inclusive workplace.

    Identifying members’ diverse needs

    Actively engaged with our members to listen to their feedback using multiple mechanisms of Culture & Engagement Survey, Focused Group Discussions with the specific diversity ‘cohorts’, One on One interactions with representative groups and organisation wide workshops to craft targeted interventions.

    Diversity intelligence and sensitisation

    In order to continuously enhance Inclusion Quotient of our members, we sensitise our members regularly on diversity related topics to help them proactively prevent potential discrimination or harassment.

    • Every year, we celebrate "Marico Inclusion Month"
    • We have a dedicated D&I webpage to position Marico as an Equal Opportunity organisation
    • We conduct round-the-year sensitisation trainings and workshops on related topics
    • Sought declaration from members to understand Invisible types of disability/sexual orientations/gender identities

    Driving Policy Enablement

    • Bouquet of reimbursement benefits for ‘new parents’ including offering around transport, physical, and mental wellness
    • Post maternity Flexi work options
    • Fully paid adoption leaves similar to maternity/paternity benefits
    • ‘Same Sex’ Partner benefit for all policies of Marico; gender neutrality in all policies/guidelines
    • Specific need based Mediclaim policy for differently abled members
    • OPD coverage for persons with disability
    • Audit of all policies and guidelines to continually enhance Gender neutrality

    Driving Infrastructural Enablement

    • Gender Neutral/Disability friendly Infrastructure – Corporate Office, R & D Office, Sanand & Guwahati Plants (India) Infrastructural facilities for Differently-abled
    • New ID Cards with 'pronouns I prefer’

    Inclusive Hiring Practices

    • Expanding list of management campuses to diversify our campus talent pipeline
    • Launch of Graduate Trainee Program that aims to identify top graduate talent
    • Identify and hire second career women (women on career breaks) as consultants
    • Identify and hire differently abled candidates by partnering with specialist recruitment partners
    • Identify and hire from diverse profile backgrounds of education, industry, overall experience, nationality, employment models

    Our people roadmap is focused around developing future-ready capabilities, building a digital-first Marico, enabling critical and differentiated talent.

    Governance mechanisms

    • Inclusion & Diversity council has been set up to provide governance and oversight to the I&D vision. The council is led by the CEO and has a total of 8 members including one external member acting as a consultant
    • Inclusion metrics are laid out, tracked, and quarterly reported to the CEO/Executive committees
    • Grievance reporting and redressal is facilitated through Code of conduct and Internal Committee. Marico’s POSH policy is gender neutral.
    • POSH surveys conducted for members of all genders to understand issues, challenges, and drive focused sensitisation efforts



    of our members experience Marico as an inclusive workplace where diverse perspectives are valued


    of our members experience Marico as a harassment and discrimination-free workplace

    Gender, Differently abled, and thought Diversity


    of our decision-making roles (Managers & Partners) have diverse talent


    Increase in diverse talent representing our leadership positions (partners & CXOs)


    gender diversity representation in decision-making roles (Managers & Partners) of our consumer facing functions (Marketing and Technology)

    Building a Happy Workplace

    In order to enhance organisation effectiveness while strengthening Marico culture, our focus is to create High Performing and Innovating teams nurtured with trust and care.

    Through the year, our utmost priority has been to continuously listen to member needs and aspirations and align our people practices to support their holistic wellbeing and growth.

    *Engagement scores are measured on favourability

    Member communication and engagement

    We enhanced frequency and rigor of virtual leadership connects via Townhall and Facetimes for regular two-way communication with members

    We strengthened our Member listening and action taking by moving from annual engagement survey to frequent bi-monthly pulses and benchmarked ourselves against global companies on ‘Glint’ – a LinkedIn platform. We empowered supervisors to drive their team engagements through sharp insights and focused action plans on Glint. ~90% of our members voiced their opinion to make Marico a future-ready workplace with the following results:

    • We had consistent high member engagement score of 83 through the year, 5 points above global benchmark
    • 96% of our talent practices rated above global benchmark by our members
    • 91% of our members are deeply connected with Marico purpose
  • 85% of our members say that Marico provides great opportunities to learn and grow
  • 87% of our members have strong sense of belongingness and connectedness with Marico
  • 83% of our members say that Marico takes care of their wellbeing
  • 269 members recognised for their commitment to Marico through Long Service Awards
  • “Amber - CEO’s personal digital assistant” It is a Chatbot developed to communicate with our new members and take their regular feedback.

    Go Beyond, Grow Beyond, Be The Impact with Marico – our new Talent Value Proposition

    We recalibrated our talent promise to enable all members to ‘Go Beyond, Grow Beyond, Be The Impact’ with our new Talent Value Proposition (TVP). We charted a refreshed roadmap for the future with our members wherein we aim to support their aspirations of leaving a positive mark on the society, while also unlocking and nurturing their true potential and raising the bar of excellence with Marico

    We launched various experiences for members to bring each of the 3 TVP pillars alive

    • Go Beyond
      100+ promotions and 200+ role movements, in line with member aspirations
    • Grow Beyond
      Reinforcement of trust, flexibility and inclusivity through location flexibility, sabbatical policy and forming of Inclusion & Diversity council towards building a futuristic and inclusive workplace
    • Be The Impact
      Built various member volunteering avenues towards fulfilling member purpose at Marico through programs like-

    Holistic Health and Wellbeing of members, families, and extended workforce

    COVID related support for our extended family-

    • Vaccination drive covering both doses for 100% of workforce and their nominated dependents (family and house-helps)
    • COVID war-rooms to ensure emergency resources, medical advisory through on-call and empanelled doctors, tie-ups for ambulance, oxygen cylinders, COVID testing etc.
    • Aiding infected members through emergency salary advance, Quarantine care treatment cover in Mediclaim, reimbursement of COVID expense for off-role field force
    • Support in case of unfortunate demise through continuing salary credit for a year, supporting kids’ education till completion of higher education, Medical Insurance support for family members, waiver of employee loans, and personalised financial assistance and advisory

    Insurance Policy enhancements

    such as Extension of medical insurance benefits to the extended family members (parents/in-laws) and Enhanced Maternity benefit, insured ailments

    • #MentorToEmpower: 50+ members volunteered 100+ hours for mentoring ~2,000 students on employability skills across 25 colleges of India, with overall beneficiary feedback of 4.5/5
    • #MaricoGreenFootprints: Creation of Marico Forest with 20,000+ trees, contributed by members through various initiatives such as Impact League (1 Kilometre walked = 1 tree donated)
    • #PledgeToCause: facilitating monetary donation to causes via Give India, Goonj etc. (USD$ 5,000+ and in-kind donation across locations)

    ‘Stronger Together’ wellness offerings

    in partnership with leading experts to provide support through various “Stronger Together” initiatives on physical, mental, social, and psychological wellness;

    • Tie-up with India’s leading healthcare app for remote consultations and medicines delivery at doorstep
    • Dedicated "My Well-being Hour" for members to take off 1 hour each week to focus on their wellbeing through various wellness initiatives
    • Accelerated efforts on mental wellness this year through active reach-out, training and communication and counselling services for members and their immediate family. We also conducted regular assessment to gauge the mental health of our members and took immediate action in case of any red flags
    • Launched a Member Health & Lifestyle App to support members improve their wellbeing through healthy Lifestyle choices
    • Combined our Wellbeing and Sustainability agenda, organised "MaricoGreenFootsteps" initiative – 1 tree planted for each Kilometre a member walked towards building Marico Forest

    Occupational Health and Safety

    At Marico, occupational health and safety forms a part of daily work habits and permeates through every function. With this mindset, we have successfully induced behavioural changes to eliminate unsafe practices and take preventive actions. The active safety culture practiced across the organisational footprint, protects our people against injuries, builds their morale and improves overall employee health, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity.

    FY22 Health and Safety Performance

    At Marico, occupational health and safety forms a part of daily work habits and permeates through every function. With this mindset, we have successfully induced behavioural changes to eliminate unsafe practices and take preventive actions. The active safety culture practiced across the organisational footprint, protects our people against injuries, builds their morale and improves overall employee health, thereby enhancing efficiency and productivity.

    Zero fatalities

    for 5 years in a row





    *LTIFR refers to Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate, the number of lost time injuries occurring in a workplace per 1 million hours worked

    SHE Governance Mechanism

    Health and safety at our manufacturing facilities is managed by Safety Health and Environment (SHE) Management Committee. The committee is headed by Works Head and includes departmental heads.

    Health and safety officers are responsible for driving SHE related activities at the factories and directly report to respective Works Heads about SHE performance. SHE performance of facilities is reviewed by the committee and corporate team on monthly basis to analyse the risks and take appropriate action to improve performance.

    Concerted efforts are put to investigate each incident and derive meaningful insights to deploy the corrective and preventive actions across all our sites to prevent a similar mishap in future.

    "I felt Safe" Campaign

    This campaign was started as a pilot program at our facilities to convey the significance of building a safe work culture and safeguard lives. The campaign was conducted in vernacular languages for the ease of understanding.

    At the end of their shifts, workers and members were asked to vote whether they felt safe at work or not. This helped us identify areas of improvement when people raised safety concerns through the voting process.

    Safety Trainings

    Trained workforces create safe work environment thereby transforming safety culture of the organisation. We provide adequate safety training to each of our members and business associates depending on the role that he/she has been assigned with.

    In-house training competency matrix developed at Marico, maps each role to corresponding training requirements. It is ensured that 100% of the workforce, including contractual workers, receive safety training before starting their respective jobs. Classroom as well as video-based training sessions are conducted on a regular basis. Safety training kiosks installed at each of our facilities have helped us automate the basic safety trainings in English and vernacular languages. New workers mandatorily undergo training through these kiosks as a part of their induction.

    ~3,000 manhours of safety trainings conducted for members and contractual workers across all facilities in India in FY-22

    We are committed towards continuing to drive strong business performance by building a futureready, inclusive, and happy workplace for all Mariconians.

    Road Safety

    Job role of a large part of our workforce involves local travel. With an intent of making business journeys safer for our members and associates, we have partnered with eDriving, a US-based organisation to deploy techbased solutions for road safety. It allows us to monitor the riding/driving behaviours of our members and associates and help them improve their driving skills thereby reducing the risks of meeting with accidents.

    Audits and Inspections

    Audits and inspections are important parts of the SHE management systems. All our sites are ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018 certified by accredited external agencies. Apart from these external audits, cross functional audits are also conducted at all Marico owned facilities throughout the year. The audit findings are discussed during the monthly factory SHE management meetings and corporate review sessions to map out measurable corrective actions.